Monday, February 1

Wild poker action last weekend

I played at Snoqualmie last Saturday night.  Weekends are usually good games because everyone is out having fun and thus the play is more relaxed.  You don't often get "drunk tourist" locally like to do in Las Vegas, but on Saturday night there's a lot more drinking.

It was one of the wildest sessions I've had in a while -- up a bit, down a lot, back to ahead, and finally down a bit.  In a short four hours I had a ton of hands.  AA, KK, QQ, JJ twice, AK at least three times, KQ, AJ, 88, probably some others I forget.

That said, a lot of medium pots but no huge pots.  I don't think I saw the turn with any of the big hands.

I'll never understand why people enjoy getting plastered while playing poker.  A social drink sure, but what's the fun in paying $30/drink because you're so out of it you're giving away your money.  That said, I'm happy to relieve stupid people of their cash; that's much of why I play poker.

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