Tuesday, August 31

Back to No Limit

I played 2-5 no limit at Snoqualmie Casino last night for the first time in a couple of months.  After a horrible start and an up and down session, I cashed out up 1/2 a buy-in.

My very first hand, I limp re-raised in a straddled pot with QQ and the raiser shoved all-in.  I was pretty sure he had AA or KK and folded.  It's possible I made a bad lay down not wanting to lose all of my chips on the first hand but I think it was right.  Even so, it cost me half my stack.  I had to add on a couple of times to have a healthy stack and was basically back to my starting chips when my big hand of the night came up.

I limped in middle position with pocket eights and 6 or 7 people saw a flop of Q-8-3 with two clubs.  I bet $20 and a player check-raised to $70.  He was one of my targets at the table, clearly willing to put a lot of money in on a draw or medium strength hand. Given he might be drawing and was unlikely to have QQ (and if he does, I lose all my chips), I re-raised him to about $170.  He went all-in and I immediately called.  The turn was a club, which I didn't like and the river was a blank.  He showed KQ for one pair and I doubled up.  Unfortunately I lost of bunch of those chips soon after on a bad bluff.  I ground back over the rest of the evening and as noted cashed out well ahead.

I made a couple of poorly timed bluffs, but overall played pretty well though I was a bit rusty.  Hope to go back soon.

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