Saturday, August 14

Poor Old Dog

Tommy has been our foster dog for nearly two years.  He's effectively ours as it seems unlikely he'll get adopted.  He has a myriad of minor problems that make him a difficult adoption, perhaps the worst of which is that he's 13 and people don't want older dogs.

This morning Tommy slipped or stepped funny and badly sprained his front right leg.  With two weak hind legs already, he was having a lot of trouble getting around.  We took him to the vet and nothing is broken, which is the good news.  The bad news is he appears to be in pain and is on bed rest for the next two weeks.  We'll have to help him get outside and back inside to do his business.  Yes, that's as much fun as it sounds.  If there's a bright side, it's that Tommy isn't very active and we don't need to crate him to limit his activity.  He does that on his own.

He's resting comfortably now, but is basically stuck downstairs until further notice.  And he doesn't like to be picked up to be moved outside or brought back in.  Fun, fun, fun.

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