Wednesday, April 23

Taking Responsibility

Yesterday I left voice messages for five different people, two left for businesses before 9 AM. In three cases I was doing someone the courtesy of responding to their message or email and in three cases I was calling a cell phone (two overlapped) where I'd think I'd be able to reach someone in the first place. Just about every call required a two-minute discussion.

None of the people called me back yesterday though one did just email me back this AM -- to say he found other Mariners tickets. Now I don't expect people to drop everything when I call or they get a voice mail from me. But each of my calls had some sense of time sensitivity, in some cases for the callee. Have people lost common courtesy. Do people not take responsibility anymore for communication? Are we all too busy surfing the Internet to have a human conversation?

I admit some of the pot calling the kettle black, but my frustration is the underlying sense that three days from now I'll still be waiting for responses.

Saturday, April 12 strange shipping

For Monica's birthday I ordered her two CDs from I ordered them at the same time and they're both by the same artist. This seems like the kind of user behavior that happens a thousand times a day, though the artist wasn't mainstream.

Here's what we got:

The package on the right was shipped first from Illinois and arrived this morning. The one on the right was shipping a day later from California and arrived yesterday afternoon.
And of course the packaging is very different. Somehow this doesn't seem like the most efficient way to do this, either for Amazon or for me.

The good news is despite their prediction of an April 14th delivery, BOTH CDs made it her for her birthday.

Dog update

Those who have met Cocoa know he scratches and chews his paws quite often. We took him to a dermatologist last Friday to get checked out.

After giving him the once over he gave Cocoa allergy tests. Cocoa failed miserably. I wish we had a picture but couldn't get him to sit still. Picture a 4 x 10 grid with a dot at every vertex and big dots and most vertices. The large dots are everything he's allergic to including cat dander, wool, and grass. Great for a dog who lives in a house with oriental rugs and a cat and likes to run around a grassy back yard. We're getting him some allergy shots to desensitize him. We're also working on clearing up some yeast infections that cause him to itch. We hope he's better soon and thankfully he's really not so bad right now.

Hunny Bear went to the vet today because he's occasionally been limping. Thankfully the diagnosis is minor. His kneecaps are both loose but it's a grade 1 or 2 on a scale of 1-5. The vet recommended doing nothing.