Sunday, October 26

NFL Update

At the start of the season, I remarked that the Bears could be pretty good if they got average play at QB and RB. Well Kyle Orton has actually been quite good this year. Not at Pro Bowl level but in the top 1/3 of QBs in the league, outperforming well-known names like Manning and Favre. Likewise Matt Forte has been an average running back. While that doesn't sound like much, last year Cedric Benson was so bad that his NFL career is over.

The Bears are 4-3 but if not for a fluky and poorly played final 30 seconds against the Falcons would be 5-2. And with some luck could have been 6-1! They aren't awesome, but they look like a playoff caliber team. As well, the league is pretty even with a lot of teams within a game of 500 so anything could happen in the playoffs.

Tuesday, October 21

World Series

Well, I came pretty close in the LCS. The AL indeed went 7 games, though the Rays won and the Phillies took care of the Dodgers in 5 not 6. Off by two total.

I see the Rays in 6 games. Quite frankly they're just a lot better than the Phillies.

This will probably be the least watched World Series in years with Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, and New York all watching from home.

Monday, October 6

Playoff FIrst Round

Yuck, yuck, and more yuck.

I'm not sure whether I'm more sad, frustrated, or embarrassed by the Cubs performance. Monica's sister and brother-in-law attended game 1 in Chicago, Monica went to game 2, and I went to LA for the weekend for game 3 (and what I expected would be game 4). What a waste of a season. And a double-whammy for me on top of the Storm's post season.

On the other hand, I had the other three series pegged right. I actually had Phillies in 4 originally, but didn't like picking them all to be four game series.

Red Sox in 7 and Phillies in 6 in the LCS.