Monday, February 1

Hunny Bear climbs into bed

For a blog named for Hunny Bear, there's not actually much about Hunny Bear in the blog.

But yesterday Hunny Bear did something we've been trying to get him to do for years.  And we're very proud of him!  A few years ago we got a Tempur-Pedic bed and found that with the thicker mattress and his advanced age, Hunny Bear could no longer jump on the bed to sleep with us.  So we got some pet steps and put them next to the bed. (They don't quite look like the picture but you get the idea.)  He wouldn't go near them.  Emily immediately ran up them.  Every foster dog or dog we've dog sat ran up them into bed.  Hunny Bear wouldn't touch them.  If you put his front paws on the first step, he stepped off. 

We tried off and on to teach him, but finally we put the steps away.  But in the new house we have them out.  For the first time yesterday, Hunny Bear used the steps to walk into bed without any physical assistance.  I patted the bottom step and once he stepped on, I patted the second step, and he stepped up and figured the rest out from there.  And he just repeated the behavior tonight.

I only wonder what took him so long to try it.

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