Monday, June 21

Blogging is hard

No, not a self pity party just an observation.  Even people who start blogs with the best of intentions tend to fail pretty quickly.  Seems if I discover a new web site and it has a blog, the default is it hasn't been updated since 2009.

and I assume intending to post something new each day.  He started April 1 and had 30 posts in April, which is awesome.  He had a couple the first week of May, a couple over the next two weeks and then there's nothing for the past five weeks.  In his quest for 365 he made it to 34.  And sadly, this seems to be typical.  Once you fall of the wagon of blogging daily, it's easy to throw your hands up in the air and give up all together.A guy I know recently started a blog and Facebook page "365 things to do...", i.e., one for each day of the year.  My cousin David is one of the few people I know who's kept a blog running.  But now that he has a job, he's gone 11 days without a post.

I wonder if blogs will simply go away.  And people's "blogs" will be their stream of Facebook and Twitter comments.  And that would be a bad thing because much as I love Twitter, you can't really have an extended though in 140 or even 280 characters.  It's great for "Toy Story 3 is awesome.  Loved it.", but it's not nearly enough space for real thoughts on why it was great, much less a real review.

When talking about poker, it's easy for me to Tweet ("Playing 2-5 at Snoqualmie.  Three way all-in with QT and 87.") or post to Facebook ("Going to Hideaway to play the 11 AM tournament.  Where's a good place in Shoreline to eat?") about my high level plans and hands but I can't actual discuss anything that happens.

Thus I hope I continue to blog, though it's going to be in spurts.

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